
Fayetteville, TN Practice for Sale

Fayetteville, TN Practice for Sale

Fayetteville, Tennessee

Realize your dreams of optometric practice ownership near one of the fastest growing areas in the south. Fayetteville/Lincoln County, Tennessee, is a rare blend of historic and modern prosperity. Historically, a rural agricultural community, Fayetteville is located 28 miles north of Huntsville, Alabama, home to Redstone Arsenal, a new FBI center, NASA, as well as many industries associated with space science. Fayetteville has three school systems, two are public and one is private, as well as a branch of Motlow State Community College. Huntsville Hospital Health System is the manager for the local hospital, rehabilitation, wellness and physician’s clinics.  Fayetteville is also 80 miles south of Nashville Tennessee which is the fastest growing area in Tennessee.

The practice is a popular, well-established and medically-oriented, with a patient base from a 4-5 county area. It serves established patients from childhood to adulthood with the majority of new patients having recently moved into the area. Appointments range from vision and eye health evaluations for eyewear and contact lenses to medical examinations for ocular disease management, foreign body removal, eye injury, and cataract post-operative care as the practice fosters working relationships with nearby ophthalmologists. The potential for expanding this medical practice is very good. A provider for most vision plans and many medical insurance plans, the practice is scheduled out in advance. The office space is leased from a landlord who has a long-standing commitment to the practice.

If you want to practice a medical model in a wonderful community where everyone appreciates your quality patient experience, this is an ideal opportunity for you and your family.

For more information, contact:

Daniel DeJarnatt, O.D.



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