
Effectively Turn Phone Calls Into New Patients

January 28, 2021

Good. Better. Best. When you are considering which brand of canned corn to buy, they probably all are good. But frozen corn is better. And, the best? That’s straight off the corn cob, in my opinion!

Where does your practice stand; good, better or best? Do you know what your patients are looking for? Is it a good eye exam, the cheapest frames, or do they want the best? When it comes to setting the tone of your practice, your entire team is responsible. Your team has the power to influence the best eye care experience at a price point no one can refuse. By spending as little as 3 minutes on the phone with a potential patient, you can achieve this.

Williams Group has curated scripts that answer the most common questions a potential patient asks when shopping around for an eye care appointment. The education your team provides on the phone showcases the atmosphere, technology and expertise living in your practice right now. It can also mean the difference between the caller hanging up and dialing the next eye care professional three blocks away or securing their appointment, even an appointment for their family members.

Do you thrive on treating the whole patient and offer nutraceuticals? Do you have frame stylists that understand face shape and hair/eye color to pick out the latest Gucci frame everyone is craving? Maybe serving kids is where you really shine (did we mention that awesome coffee bar you’ve got for mom while she’s waiting?) These niches are important to showcase for your potential patients.

Through strategic tactics and exercises, Williams Group will evaluate how your practice stacks up. With guidance from our Practice Management Directors, your practice will set the bar for your competition. In conjunction, you’ll watch your profits grow.

As an eye care professional, it’s important to have someone on your side to objectively see your long-term goals and drive the performance of your optometry practice.

Join our Intensive Growth Program today!

Michele Korth

Practice Management Coordinator
Email Michele


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