
To Add or Not to Add a Frame Line, That is the Question

March 15, 2021

All too often the comment, we want to add a new frame line, comes up in a practice and yet no one seems to know if it’s a good idea or not. Do you know how you got to the number of frames you have in your office? Better yet, do you know how many frames you actually have, including the ones hiding in your lab, in totes, or in cabinets that no one can see or buy? The question is a good one, but what if we used a more logical and business-minded way to answer it? With proper dispensary management techniques, you can finally learn how to run the optical like it’s own standalone business. The answers to all of those ambiguous questions are actually best answered by way of simple math. Based on the number of patients you see in a given year, we can help clients determine what’s best for their specific practice, rather than just doing what we think everyone else is doing. It’s your business and therefore the solutions should be specific. 

Let's take a different look at how your optical is setup. Better yet,  go out to your optical, right now. Okay, stand about 20 feet from your frame displays. Do all of your frames truly look different? Do you have brands that look alike to an untrained eye or from a distance? Why not narrow down styles to where you only have one brand of flexible frames, one brand of rimless/drill-mount frames, one chunky geek-sheik line, etc. This way, your brands sell themselves rather than competing with one another. This tends to confuse the patient, who wants to know why one black frame is $150 and the one next to it is $300! By taking a different approach to your optical, you can set your practice apart and create a more enjoyable experience for your patient. 

If you're asking yourself if you should add another frame line or not, start by joining our Executive Management Program.

Already a member? Access our course, How to Buy Frames with a Purpose, to learn more.

Shaun Damico

Director of Sales and Operations
Email Shaun


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