

May 24, 2021

Partnerships help practices realize their potential

Williams Group’s business principles are summarized in four pillars: Economics, People, Information, and Culture (EPIC). EPIC encompasses everything we analyze when we review a practice: schedule, staff, financials, and the level of leadership provided by the doctor/owner. This analysis leads to the development of a strategic training plan, encompassing anything and everything to do with managing a practice.

Williams Group’s goal is to make its services accessible to all practices based on their time, needs, and financial situation. A $99 monthly subscription provides full access to the online Optometric Success Center Learning library and live group training sessions.  The next level is the Executive Management program, which provides a more in-depth approach to consulting on practice needs. The crème de la crème is the intensive growth program, which takes a proactive and involved approach to helping guide the practice. Williams Group also offers a very successful fast-start program for doctors who wish to open a practice cold.

One key to practice success is simple but often overlooked:  the doctor has to make a decision to be responsible for what goes on in their practice. That includes the optical -- not being involved is putting the staff in a position to fail and then wondering why they did.

A practice also needs great vendors that support their eyewear sales. Williams Group partners with GSRx for several reasons. First, they are passionate about helping independent practices. Second, their approach combines excellent pricing, quality, and service, and their products provide exceptional value to the patient. Third, they arm practices with programs that support their growth. For example, GSRx helps practices improve their optical capture rates in several ways, including an entire program to help with multiple pair sales and customized marketing materials. 

Williams Group recognizes all the changes and competitive pressures affecting independent eye care today. But in our view, all of them can be addressed successfully.  A major advantage held by the independent Eye Care Provider (ECP) is that they can mold what they do to the needs of the patient. In some other models, they try to mold the needs of the patient to what they are willing to deliver. Independent ECPs are in a position to create a sanctuary of trust and fill many roles that have a wonderful impact on patients’ lives. GSRx shares Williams Group’s enthusiasm for independent practices, and the desire to help them realize their full potential.

Realize your practices potential with the help of Williams Group today!


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