Greybull, WY Practice for Sale
Greybull, WY
Enjoy practicing in beautiful Wyoming, serving two communities located seven miles apart, with the nearest optometric colleague 38 miles away. Outdoor recreational opportunities abound in the shadow of the magnificent Big Horn Mountains and include hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking. This friendly community offers a great lifestyle and excellent schools for family living and will welcome you as you provide service to a community in need of optometric care.
For 41 years, this solo-practitioner has been delivering outstanding services to a very loyal patient base. The practice is full-scope, providing vision and eye health evaluations, eyewear, contact lenses, dry eye, and ocular disease treatment. The practice includes a 2,500 sq. foot building that has been recently updated, from floor to ceiling, with an attractive reception area and full optical dispensary, a contact lens fitting room, special testing, and two well-equipped exam rooms. This practice will afford the next practitioner not only an attractive, modern office but immediate cash flow.
Enjoy practicing in the way you have always wanted while building a lifetime of success and pride that comes from owning your own professional practice.
For more information on this incredible opportunity, contact Sarah via email at or call/text at 402-454-7166.